How to Find Cosmetology Schools and Beauty Schools

How do you find cosmetology schools? Each aspiring cosmetologist is unique and will look for something different in their beauty schools of choice. For this reason, start by making a list of what is most important to you, narrow your search down to only the schools that meet this criteria, then visit those cosmetology schools in person to make your final decision.

Step 1 - Make a Cosmetology Schools "Wish List"

Start by making a list of what is most important to you, then narrow your search to only the schools that fit this criteria. Below is a sample "wish list" to get you thinking of the qualities you desire most in your dream cosmetology school.

Sample Wish List of Great Beauty Schools

    A complete cosmetology certification program that prepares you for your state board of cosmetology exams so you can get licensed.
    Access to an in-school cosmetology salon for hands-on experience
    Highly skilled and experienced instructors
    Flexible class scheduling
    A location close to home
    Career placement services
    Availability of financial aid: scholarships, grants, loans and payment plans

Step 2 - Visit the Top Cosmetology Schools in Person

Once you have a final list of top cosmetology schools that fit your specific criteria, make appointments to visit them and get to know the campus and curriculum at each one. This process will help you weed out the beauty schools that don't feel quite right and lead you to the one that does.

What to do on Your Visit

    Sit in on a class or two. Get a feel for how the instructors teach, observe their hands-on technique and take note of their all-important people skills.
    Ask lots of questions! Question instructors, admissions representatives, and current students about the everyday functionality of the school.
    Tour the facilities and check out the equipment. Make sure the school uses up-to-date equipment and top-rated professional products.
    Do a background check on the school. Visit a local salon and ask about the beauty school you are visiting. Find out if they have any recent graduates as employees and speak to them as well.


As a student of Cosmetology, you will gain a good working knowledge of all the major areas and techniques of the field - hair, nails, skin and makeup, waxing and more! You will learn how to build strong personal relationships with clients and co-workers and provide impeccable service to a wide range of people.

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Anonymous said...

A Cosmetologist/Esthetician is involved in the trade of beauty and enhancement. Cosmetologists and Estheticians offer a wide range of beauty services such as coloring, cutting, shampooing, hair styling and massage services. They also offer advice to clients on the best ways to maintain their beauty while at home. Cosmetologists and Estheticians also offer services like facial treatments, make-up analysis, wigs and hairpiece implants.Cosmetology Schools Online

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